
A Great Place to Start — The Brand New Dragon Metrics Dashboard

Simon Lesser April 21, 2022

A Better, Faster, and Easier Dashboard

You might notice things look a bit different logging in today — we’ve completely redesigned your dashboard to be cleaner and deliver even better data for your campaigns.

It’s a big step up from the previous dashboard with much faster-loading reports, a beautiful interface, and loads of new features, so let’s take a look at what’s new!

Two is better than one

Actually, today’s release includes not just one but two new Dashboards in today’s release!

If you’re tracking multiple campaigns, you’ll see the new All Campaign Dashboard upon login, which shows high-level performance metrics for all campaigns.

All Campaign Dashboard

Click on a campaign to go to the more detailed Single Campaign Dashboard. (If you’re tracking a single campaign, you’ll be directed directly here on login.)

Single Campaign Dashboard

You can always return to the All Campaign Dashboard using the campaign selector in the top left of every page, or the button in the top right of the Single Campaign Dashboard.

Return to all campaigns dashboard

Dive into more detailed reports

Each module on the Single Campaign Dashboard provides a glimpse into the performance of a particular aspect of your site. Click into a specific area of a module for the full detailed report.

Module details

Quick access to Research

You can now access Research directly from the Dashboard. Just type in any keyword or site, then choose Keywords, Rankings, or Links, and you’ll be on your way!


Jump to any report or tool

Another handy new feature is the ability to go directly to any report, tool, or page in the app. Just start typing where you want to go, and click Go!

Jump to any report

Help getting started

With such as massive number of features and reports available in the platform, we’ve noticed that even customers that have been using the app for many years may not be aware of everything Dragon Metrics can do. It’s not uncommon for users to only take advantage of 10% or less of the features in the app.

While a free training session is always the best way to get the best use of the platform, we want to help you get the most out of your subscription even if you haven’t scheduled on yet.

At the top of your Dashboard, you may see several areas that can help with discoverability and getting to know Dragon Metrics a bit better.

For example, product announcements help keep you stay up-to-date with new feature releases:

What’s new

Use cases provide quick links to unlocking some of our favorite workflows in the app:

Use cases

We’ll also help make sure your campaigns are set up fully. Hover your cursor on an item for additional help or click to start setting it up directly.

Account setup

What happened to my old dashboard?

The previous version of the Dashboard shared the same module system as the Report Builder. This provided a high degree of customization, but had some drawbacks as well:

Today’s new update fixes all of the above issues and provides many other advantages over the previous version.

That said, customers that may have spent some time creating a customized dashboard in the older interface may not be ready to part ways with it quite yet. Not to worry — you can still access your old dashboard for a limited time by clicking the link on the All Campaigns Dashboard.

Go to old dashboard

You can continue to view and even make changes to your old dashboard.

Go to old dashboard

The old dashboard will not be available forever, so if you wish to save your old dashboard, we recommend migrating it to the Report Builder.

If you would like assistance with transitioning your old dashboard to the Report Builder, please get in touch with Dragon Metrics support who can help walk you through it.

Let’s get started!

The new Dashboard is now live for everyone, so take a look and let us know what you think! Love it? Hate it? Meh it? Miss the old dashboard? Let us know in the live chat, we’d love to hear your feedback!