
Enterprise SEO Tool

With large-scale and flexible features built for large organizations and teams, Dragon Metrics was built from the beginning for the unique needs of global enterprises.

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Trusted by enterprises worldwide

Dragon Metrics has been supporting some of the world’s largest brands and agencies for over 12 years.
Dragon Metrics enterprise clients logos
Dragon metrics enterprise rank tracking

Enterprise-grade global rank tracking

Track hundreds of thousands of keywords without breaking a sweat — Dragon Metrics' powerful rank tracking tools were built for the large-scale needs of global enterprises.

Every site is different, and Dragon Metrics incredibly flexible and customizable configurations can be easily tailored to fit the needs to of any organization.

Advanced features designed for large sites

Larger organizations have different needs than other teams, and Dragon Metrics was built from the beginning for the needs of global enterprises, with features specifically designed for large sites.

With flexible configuration options, detailed keyword segmentation tools, highly-customizable and easy-to-scale reporting tools, detailed Ecommerce tools, and more, we’ve got what you need to ensure your organization is successful.
Dragon Metrics ecommerce
Dragon Metrics Report Builder UI

Unparalleled reporting capabilities

With Report Builder 2.0, you can create highly-customized reports with exactly the detailed data you need, and present it in a way that’s easy for stakeholders to understand.

Once you’ve created your dream report, you can easily scale them across hundreds of sites and locales in the click of a button.

True global support

Built by a team of global SEOs, we’ve poured our years of experience into designing the market’s first truly global SEO tool.

With support for 9 search engines in 238 country / language combinations, and multi-lingual support teams all over the world, every aspect of the platform has been built with global search in mind.

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Dragon Metrics support illustration

Enterprise features and support, accessible pricing

“Enterprise SEO platform” doesn’t have to mean “Enterprise pricing” 🙄.

Dragon Metrics' features and support go toe-to-toe with the biggest Enterprise SEO platforms on the market, with pricing up to 10X lower.

Unlimited user seats

SEO at a large organization is most successful when everyone is onboard together — so why are other SEO platforms making it prohibitively expensive to do so?

All Dragon Metrics enterprise plans come with unlimited number of user accounts, allowing you to invite the entire global team to collaborate together without having to worry about extra costs.
Dragon Metrics people illustration
Dragon Metrics content writer

Simplify content creation with NLP

Leverage Content Writer to create expert SEO-optimized content with detailed recommendations powered by Dragon Metrics data and Natural Language Processing.

Powerful collaboration tools make it easy to quickly develop content briefs and share with copywriters to create optimized content directly in the platform.

Free and unlimited API

Take your SEO reporting to the next level by importing Dragon Metrics data into internal dashboards, data visualization tools, data lakes or warehouses, or any other tools you wish.

Free and unlimited API use is included in your subscription, and our expert technical team is here to help get you up and running with one-on-one support.
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Customizable user access control

From administrator roles to read-only accounts, Dragon Metrics makes it easy to control user permissions to ensure each team member has exactly the right access they need and nothing more.

Unparalleled support

Ask customers what they love most about Dragon Metrics, and you’re bound to hear about our incredible personalized support.

With a dedicated account manager, 24/7/365 live chat support from real SEO experts, free data migration from your previous SEO platform, and unlimited free training, onboarding, and account setup, we’re here to make sure you’re set up for success.

Unlimited free training

Getting your organization trained up on a new platform can be scary, but Dragon Metrics is here to help with unlimited free training sessions.

Need a series of multiple sessions for each business unit and office worldwide individually? Not a problem!

Don’t believe us? We’ve been doing it for 12 years. We’re so confident the Dragon Metrics platform is easy to use, we’re willing to bet the company on it.