
Dragon Metrics' Content Writer

Combining the power of Dragon Metrics data and Natural Language Processing, Content Writer provides a detailed roadmap on how to rank for any keyword, with recommendations for how to improve your content as you write.

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Create content that ranks

Content Writer leverages dozens of unique tools and datasets from the platform and combines them with AI and natural language processing to help you streamline your content flow and write SEO-optimized articles with ease.
Dragon Metrics Content Writer
Dragon Metrics Content Writer Analysis

Understand what kind of content ranks for each keyword

Dragon Metrics performs a deep analysis of competitor URLs to show exactly what type of content ranks well on search engines and how to leverage this for your own content.

Competitor entity analysis with natural language processing

Content Writer will scan competitor content to see which entities (important words or phrases) the top-ranking sites use most often when they talk about about the keyword to ensure your content covers what searchers are looking for.
Dragon Metrics Content Writer NLP
Dragon Metrics Content Writer entity usage

See competitor keyword and entity usage

See snippets of competitor content to see how competitors use each targeted keyword and over 100 of the most common entities.

Uncover questions people are asking

Content Writer provides dozens of questions searchers are asking about this topic from People Also Ask boxes and our database of billions of keywords.

Add them directly to your content with a single click to provide the answers searchers are looking for.
Dragon Metrics Content Writer PAA
Dragon Metrics content writer keyword gap

Find keywords you should be ranking for

If you want to rank for your targeted keyword, chances are there’s a list of other terms you should be ranking for too — and we’ll find it for you instantly.

Keywords that 5 or more URLs ranking in the top 10 are also ranking for are shown in the Keyword Gap section, and can be quickly added to your existing content.

Competitor outline analysis

An outline of all competitors' h1 - h6 tags is shown to demonstrate how high-ranking sites structure their content on the subject.
Dragon Metrics Content Writer competitor headings
Dragon Metrics Content Writer link gap

Link Opportunities

Getting high-quality links is vital if you want to rank high. Dragon Metrics will identify high-quality sites already linking to 2 or more URLs ranking for this keyword.

Find supporting keywords

Content Writer is deeply integrated with Dragon Metrics Keyword Research tools to help uncover additional keywords you may want to target in your content.
Dragon Metrics Content Writer keyword research
Dragon Metrics Content Writer content suggestions

Content recommendations as you type

Get real-time SEO content recommendations as you type to ensure your article is fully-optimized.

Check keyword utilization

Content will be checked for usage of targeted keywords and entities, with competitor usage examples just a click away.
Dragon Metrics Content Writer keyword utilization
Dragon Metrics Content Writer suggestions

Quick-add content suggestions

Browse content suggestions as you write content and quickly add or rewrite recommended questions, headings, and other suggestions as you type.

Check SERP snippet previews

Add your URL, title, and meta description to see how it will look to searchers on the SERP and ensure it’s properly-optimized.
Dragon Metrics Content Writer alt text
Dragon Metrics Content Writer recommendations

Customize your goals and targets

Every setting and goal in Content Writer is fully customizable, ensuring you’re always in the drivers seat creating content that accomplishes your unique goals.

Recommendations based on your style

Rather than providing arbitrary Content Scores that are easy-to-game and do nothing to measure the actual quality of writing, Content Writer lets your control the type and style of recommendations, so copywriters don’t churn out mediocre content by blindly following arbitrary metrics.
Dragon Metrics Content Writer style
Dragon Metrics Content Writer Brief

Easily create content briefs

Content Writer takes all of the manual work out of creating content briefs, streamlining the entire process for you. Briefs can be further customized and shared directly with writers directly inside the Content Writer interface.

Collaborate with ease

Use Content Writer to create the perfect brief, then share with copywriters to provide a seamless workflow and simple interface to create SEO-optimized content.
Dragon Metrics Content Writer user permissions
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