
Keyword Clustering and Segmentation

Keyword segmentation is woven deeply throughout the platform to provide a detailed view of ranking performance from every possible angle.

  • Detailed segmentation filters lets you slice and dice your data like never before
  • Use Dynamic Tags to automatically keep keyword segments in sync
  • Find top competitors in each segment individually
  • Leverage 11 unique tools Tag Assistant to quickly segment your keywords with minimal effort

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Dragon Metrics tag ranking chart

Unlock detailed ranking reports with segmentation

Understand your ranking performance better than ever before with Dragon Metrics suite of segmentation tools.

Looking at the entire site’s performance is too broad to be helpful, but monitoring individual keywords is not scaleable either — tracking performance by segment is the perfect way to see the full picture.
Dragon Metrics tag ranking
Dragon Metrics dynamic tags

 Use Dynamic Tags to automatically keep keyword segments in sync

Create custom rules to tag any keyword that meets your chosen criteria — segment keywords based on ranking URL, SERP feature, search volume, or anything else you can think of.

Dynamic Tags update daily as SERP data changes, ensuring your tags are always kept in sync and unlocking a whole new world of possibilities.

 Find competitors for each segment individually

Organic competition happens at the keyword cluster level — not at the site level. It’s likely that each category of keywords will have different competitors.

That’s why Competitor Discovery will automatically find the top 50 ranking sites for each segment separately.

Pairing with Dynamic Tags opens a whole new world of possibilities — now you can see who the top sites are when a specific SERP feature is shown, for high search volume keywords, and anything else you can think of.
Dragon Metrics competitor discovery
Dragon Metics tag ranking chart

 Compare ranking performance by keyword cluster

Measure performance of each segment against each other to see which areas are strong and which still need work.

Choose tags as both a dimension and filters for an incredibly detailed way to slice up your ranking data.

For example, compare how you’re doing in each product category (dimension) — but only for non-branded terms (filter).

 Compare search volume trends by segment

Seasonality typically affects each cluster of related terms differently — some segments may be getting more popular over time while others are declining in popularity.

Search Demand Trends makes it easy to visualize long-term search volume trends and compare how demand has changed for each product line, business group, or topic individually.
Dragon Metrics search demand trends
Dragon Metrics keyword ranking segmentation

 Unlock detailed ranking reports with segmentation

Filter any ranking report with detailed tag queries to drill down to any set of keywords.

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 Take the pain out of segmenting keywords with Tag Assistant

Tag Assistant is a set of 11 advanced tools to help cluster and segment your keywords quickly and easily at scale — without having to resort to spreadsheets or painful manual processes.
Dragon Metrics tag rules
Dragon Metrics dynamic tag presets

 Instantly add our favorite Dynamic Tag recipes

Creating dozens of Dynamic Tags is a quick and simple task in Dragon Metrics, but Tag Assistant makes it even easier to get the best Dynamic Tags has to offer.

Simply choose from a list of our favorite presets and import them all into your account in a single click.

 Use a word cloud to tag keywords

Visualize commonly-used terms found in tracked keywords in a word cloud — then click on any term to tag keywords that contain it in a single click.
Dragon Metrics word cloud
Dragon Metrics brand rules

 Quickly create brand rules

Flexible configurations make it simple to segment your branded and trademarked terms.
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