
Paid Search Tools

Discover competitors' paid search strategies — including paid search traffic, which keywords they’re bidding on, how much they’re spending, and even their ad copy.

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Dragon Metrics paid rankings

Uncover keywords your competitors are bidding on

Find out which keywords your competitors are bidding on, along with estimated CPC, landing pages, ad copy, traffic, and more.
Dragon Metrics paid rankings keywords
Dragon Metrics paid rankings ad copy

Learn from competitors' ad copy

See all competitor ad copies in one place to get a deep understanding of their strategies and selling points.

Find paid competitors

Uncover which sites are bidding for the same keywords for an even deeper insight into your industry’s paid search landscape.
Dragon Metrics  paid rankings paid competitors
Dragon Metrics paid rankings urls

See which URLs are generating the most paid traffic

Analyze competitor landing pages used in paid campaigns and learn from their strategies.

Get international insights into your competitors paid strategies

Find out what countries your competitors are targeting, and discover country-specific metrics and ad copy in seconds.
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Dragon Metrics paid rankings categories

Competitor paid traffic by category

All keywords are grouped into over 3,000 different categories to reveal which keyword segments competitors are bidding on.

Filter keywords by category

Don’t limit yourself to filtering keywords by queries that contain a phrase — Dragon Metrics breaks all of our keywords down to one of 3,000 categories to help you find all of the keywords for a particular segment.
Dragon Metrics paid rankings filters
Dragon Metrics paid rankings subdomains

See which subdomains are getting the most paid traffic

Understand which parts of your competitors' sites are driving the most paid search traffic.
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