
Search Demand Trends

Track long-term historic search volume trends to understand how demand for targeted search terms changes over time.

  • View trends individually for all tracked keywords, in aggregate for your entire site, or compare by segment
  • Quickly understand keyword cluster seasonality
  • Compare how trends in both search volumes and rankings affect traffic

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Dragon Metrics search demand trends

Go beyond rankings

Organic traffic to your site doesn’t solely depend on your rankings — the popularity of targeted terms also plays a crucial role.

Search Demand Trends helps you track the whole organic traffic funnel — rankings, click-through rates, and search volumes.
Dragon Metrics search demand trends
Dragon Metrics search demand trends

Understand keyword seasonality

Quickly visualize which periods experience the highest number of searches — by individual keywords, by keyword segments and clusters, or for all targeted keywords.

Compare search volume trends by clusters and segments

Seasonality typically doesn’t just affect a single keyword, but an entire cluster of related terms.

Our powerful segmentation and clustering tools make it easy to visualize trends and compare how demand has changed for each product line, business group, or topic individually.

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Dragon Metrics segmented search demand trends
Dragon Metrics branded search demand trends

Track brand popularity

Every organization wants to understand if their branded terms are increasing or decreasing over time.

By grouping all branded terms, it’s possible to see exactly how many people are searching for all branded terms over time.

Compare key dates to uncover the impact of a specific event on search volumes

Choose a custom date range to explore the impact of a particular event to keywords' search volumes over specific period.
Dragon Metrics search demand trends date filtering
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