

Get a holistic view of your SEO performance by combining every single data point we have about a single page in one place.

It’s like asking “Hey Dragon Metrics, tell me everything you know about this page?

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Dragon Metrics url xray

All your SEO data in one place

Rather than having to sift through multiple reports to analyze different aspects of your SEO, URL X-Ray brings together all data we have on a single URL, all in one place:
  • On-page optimization
  • Technical issues
  • Page Speed
  • Indexation
  • Image optimization
  • Rankings
  • Backlinks
  • Internal Links
  • Google Analytics
  • Google Search Console
Dragon Metrics url xray
Dragon Metrics url xray indexation

Fix issues with holistic SEO data

Looking at your data in silos is severely limiting — by combing data from multiple data sources in one place, URL X-Ray helps solve even the trickiest issues.

Problem with indexation? URL X-Ray brings together Site Audit and internal linking data to reveal the answers in seconds.

Deep dive into a specific URL from anywhere in the tool

Anything you want to know about a page on your site is just a click away. Wherever you see a URL in Dragon Metrics, simply click on it to analyze with URL X-Ray.
Dragon Metrics url xray
Dragon Metrics url xray content

Understand on-page content

All of your site’s most important content can be found quickly and easily, allowing you to do a simple analysis of each page’s content elements.

Optimize your content

Check to ensure you’re using your targeted keywords in the right places — then jump straight into Content Writer to fix.
Dragon Metrics url xray optimization
Dragon Metrics url xray fixes

Fix technical SEO issues

View all technical issues analyzed in Site Auditor for this page, prioritized by impact and effort, with detailed explanations on how to fix.

Improve page speed performance

Get a full Google Lighthouse report to provide Core Web Vital metrics and in-depth actionable suggestions for improving page speed.
Dragon Metrics url xray page speed
Dragon Metrics url xray indexation status

Get real-time indexation status straight from Google Search Console

Leverage Google Search Console’s Page Inspection tool right inside Dragon Metrics.

Any time you want to know how a page appears in Google’s index or when Google crawled it last, including any issues found — it’s now just a single click away.

Optimize Images and check for issues

Analyze all the images on a page and check for any issues found, including file sizes, alt text, broken images, and more.
Dragon Metrics url xray image optimization
Dragon Metrics url xray tracked rankings

Check tracked rankings

Monitor ranking performance for tracked keywords to see how your page is improving.

Uncover keywords you’re ranking for but aren’t currently tracking

Instantly access our database of 600M SERPs to see all keywords this page ranks for, even if they’re not currently tracked.
Dragon Metrics url xray all rankings
Dragon Metrics internal links

Understand internal linking strategies

See all links to this page, along with the anchor texts used.

Measure the relative importance of this page’s internal links with internal PageRank.

Track backlinks to this page

View the full backlink profile for each individual page.
Dragon Metrics url xray external links
Dragon Metrics url xray outbound links

 Check links on this page

Make sure outbound links from this page to internal and external sources are made correctly, with no broken links or un-optimized anchor texts.

 Discover keywords driving organic traffic with Google Search Console rankings

Get clicks, impressions, CTR, and ranking position for all keywords this page is ranking from — straight from Google Search Console in real-time.
Dragon Metrics url xray google search console
Dragon Metrics url xray google analytics

 Get Traffic and Conversion data from Google Analytics

Quickly see how much traffic this page is getting, and which channel they’re coming from.
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