
Local SEOs Rejoice! Local Rank Tracking Now Available

Simon Lesser September 14, 2016

There once was a time that Google showed results pretty much the same, no matter where you were in the country. That time has long gone. Now, especially with advent of mobile, Google uses your precise location to bring you results tailored to you. Even within a single city, Google may show 100% different results on page 1 depending on your local neighborhood.

Query for “pizza” near Dragon Metrics’ office in Manhattan’s financial district

The same query in the Upper East Side (another neighborhood in Manhattan). Results are almost completely different.

Dragon Metrics has always offered rank tracking on 10 search engines and over 200 countries and languages, but targeting has always been at the country level. Clearly if rankings may be different at the neighborhood level, targeting at the country level just won’t do anymore.

That’s why we’re excited to introduce local rank tracking. With this new update, you can target at a much more local level — by state or province, city, postal code, or even neighborhood level! Rankings will be displayed as if someone were searching in that exact location making the search. There’s now over 65,000 local locations to choose from.

This update will be a very well-welcomed addition for any organization doing local search, especially franchises and chain stores. Now you can easily track your keywords in a large number of locations and compare rankings between each.

How to add local rank tracking

It’s simple to add locations to your rank tracking. When choosing a search engine, simply click “Add Locations” to bring up the location search box.

Then just start typing the name of your location (or postal code), and choose a suggestion that matches your desired place and hit enter. Keep adding more locations by typing in new ones, and click OK when you’re done. There’s no limit to the number of locations you can track!

Comparing local rankings

Dragon Metrics offers a great way to see how your keywords are doing location-by-location. Our new Search Engine Rankings page lets you see your Organic Visibility trend over the past week for all of your tracked locations. Below, in the table you can compare rankings for individual keywords across multiple locations. For even more details, click on a keyword to see trends and SERP features for on each location.

Try it out today

Local rankings has actually been live since June 2016, so you can start adding locations right now. If you’d like to see the feature in more detail or would like additional training, get in touch and we’ll set it up right away.